One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ~ Hilberry Repertory Theatre
This is a directorial masterstroke, well and boisterously executed by James Kuhl (McMurphy) and Erman Jones. Wordlessly, it provides more narrative depth, suggesting a backstory of two men who, until this moment, have never genuinely related to another human being. Kuhl's flawless performance is equaled by Jones' as Chief Bromden, as he takes his tentative, well-paced steps on the path to self-awareness.
Encore Michigan
I loved this production. I loved how the set, lighting and sound design came together to create a backdrop of soulless, industrialized order. I loved how every member of this powerful cast understood his/her role in contributing to the ensemble performance. I loved that each actor understood the nuances of their tortured characters and gave us glimpses into this world through mannerisms, postures and stage business that has been sorely lacking in some professional productions I've seen.
The Examiner